Today’s generation is the most aware one when it comes to health and fitness. People put in their heart and soul to achieve their health targets, some get freaks when it comes to diet control and not to neglect there are still a few which really doesn’t bother. But that population is also now waking up and becoming the part of the fitness regime.
On the other hand, this is the same generation that is facing a lot of adverse effects of stress. I will not hesitate in blaming the western culture influence on our society that has taught us to be so independent that we even wish to become emotionally independent. The nuclear family culture is not only destroying the current generation which is not able to bond with their family but also the previous generation which is missing the family bonding and support.
Another major contributor is the rat race behind money and success. Competition is healthy but only till the point where it doesn’t start bothering you every minute. Ask a teenager studying in 10th std, what is one thing that bothers you. 90% of them will answer, our parent’s expectation of getting top scores.
Ask a young teenager studying in college, he will answer the same with the burden of getting a good job. Now ask a person doing a job, he will be running for more money. This is a vicious circle that we have deliberately fallen into.
Occasionally stress can happen to anybody, that is a normal thing to happen. But the way we have formed our lifestyle stress has become a hobby. We don’t realize it until it hits our health.
Let me tell you some causes, effects, and solutions to deal with the stress enemy.
- Unnecessary bothering about materialistic things
- Not talking/sharing with your family members about issues
- not taking immediate action when stress starts impacting you
- Concentration issues
- The mind stops functioning efficiently
- Disturbed Sleeping patterns
- Chest pain and heart problems
- Increased blood pressure
- Depression and anxiety
- Stress is one of the major root cause of thyroid in females
- Feeling irritated/angry/short tempered
- change in the appetite, either you lose it or eat more
- headache, body ache, migraine
- Deal with tough situations bravely, talk to your friends and relatives about your issues
- Let go of the things that you can’t change
- Try meditation or yoga to calm your mind
- Daily exercise also helps in keeping the stress away.
- There is no shame in visiting a counselor if you have depression
- Try eating healthy food, because they generate positive energy
We don’t want to become a nation that has the highest no. of heart attacks and it will be very shocking for you to know that stress is the major contributor to heart attacks. Why can’t we carry on the same values that our Indian society is known for, family bonding?
If you can’t take care of your parents being stressed out because of you then keep in mind the same is going to happen to you when you become a parent. Running blindly behind money will only end you up in the hospital and the same money paying for your diseases. The choice is all yours how you want to shape up your life. Just keep in mind, Health is the real wealth.
Image Source: http://www.garethwaithypnotherapy.co.uk