If I ask you to close your eyes and think about yoga, it would be some twisted exercises which are impossible for you to do. For the majority of the people, yoga is only this.
However, there is a change in trend as well. At some of the places, you are being taught certain breathing techniques and other kriyas. For many people, this is yoga.
But this is not the complete yoga. All this is a small part of something very big. When you can learn the complete science of yoga, then why you should settle for less.
First of all, Yoga is not an exercise.
It’s a Science to be in perfect alignment with yourself and in complete sync with this universe.
Yoga helps you to create better inner situations. Till the time you have not managed your inner self, how could you even think of managing anything in this world?
Have you ever noticed, that when you are relaxed and tension free, you are able to complete your tasks more efficiently without any hassle?
Take another example, when you are going through a rough phase and then you try to accomplish something. The chances are high, you will end up creating more issues with everything around you.
Yoga is science to upgrade yourself. Everything you do in this world is to achieve something.
You have an opportunity to activate yourself and achieve all your goals easily by simply practicing Yoga.
Choose to be a winner in everything you do. Turn Inward and start shifting your life from struggles to success.