If you happen to lead any numbers of people then you must know how to provide them with the feedback. Well, the majority of the people that you come across, they will tell you what feedback you should give, but they will not tell you HOW to give feedback to your employees.
Providing effective feedback is an art and if you want to take your organization to the next level, then You should definitely know how to give feedback.
Never shout: Irrespective of the situation, nobody wants that their superior is shouting at them. In an office, if you shout at someone and claiming it to be giving feedback, then you are actually demotivating the other person and he/she might not give his/her very best. So, no matter what never ever shout at your team members or employees.
Feedback pattern: Create a sandwich in your communication. Start with the positive talk first and make the other one feel comfortable and then jump to the negative part and tell the areas of improvement or whatever the issue is, Once you successfully do this, again end your conversation on a positive note.
The best part of this tool is that allows you to deliver your message and also the other one listening to it will also realize his/ her loopholes and work on the necessary changes.
Appreciate your employees: If you don’t appreciate the work of your employees/ team members, then the quality of work will definitely go down over a period of time. Appreciation of work is very necessary for the growth of the individual as well as the organization.
Equip yourself with these tools and start transforming the environment at your workplace. Increase the effectiveness and efficiency of your employees and take your organisation growth to the next level.
Feature Image Source: www.efrontlearning.com