Just like every picture tells a story, every color has a meaning. Each color denotes a different message and sometimes have hidden meanings too. The science says our mind behaves differently for each color. Like every color has its wavelength, the largest wavelength stays for a longer period in our memory.
That is one of the reasons why most of the curriculum books are printed a black content on white paper. Because our mind tends to remember black and white for a longer period rather than colors. Using the right color at the right place can seriously affect the feelings and behavior of people. Like red is universally treated as a NO or danger and green is considered a YES or safe. Each color carries its own meaning and emotions. Let us take you through some of them:
Green:In most cases, it represents Nature and calmness. This also improves concentration that is why classrooms these days have green boards. Most of the offices also have green paint inside. Only because this color brings a soothing effect for eyes and helps in mental relaxation.
Red:Red denotes many things like danger, urgency, and warmth. That is why stop signals are always red in color. On the other hand, red also denotes hunger, that is why most of the food joints will have a red colored logo like KFC, McDonald, pizza hut and many more. Red is a very common color when it comes to food.
Black:Anywhere you see precision, accuracy, and strength, it will be bold and black. It puts a strong impact on the short term memory of our brain. It is only because of the
credibility and power of this color that most authoritative people wear black n white clothes be it lawyers, govt workers or financial analyst.
Orange:This color will always lift up your mood because it brings enthusiasm and energy. So whenever the sun sets and the sky turns orange it does bring a smile on your face.
Humans have an emotional attachment with colors and orange brings brightness.
Blue: Blue stands for confidence, reliability, and professionalism. Most of the IT companies will have their symbol colored as blue n white. Because they want to promise productivity in their logo too.
So mixing colors can mean mixing emotions too or combining learning. It can put an impact on memory and can either calm you or arouse you. That is why every color has a meaning. We were never taught these concepts on our curriculum yet these concepts have impacted us throughout our student life and will keep in impacting us.
The science behind colors is a very vast subject. We will keep sharing with you more on how every color impacts you in your day to day life.
Image Source:www.verywellmind.com