Carefully observe yourself, On one day you may feel joyous, happy, blessed and on other days without any change in circumstances you may feel sad, depressed, and all the negative emotions. If outside nothing has changed, then what is making the difference. It is your energy. The energy within you is consistently changing.
Heard of Gravity?
Whatever goes up, also comes down. Same is happening with you. One day you feel you are on the top of the world and another day, you feel like hell. This is because you are left with no energy.
3 tools to sustain your Energy:
Judgment: Your body and mind involve a lot of effort to trap the cosmic energy. But, you put all that energy in judging people or all the non-productive items, this is simply stupid. The people around you are working as per their energy. Why do you have to waste your energy in judging them?
Mobile Phones: Just unlock your mobile phone. There’s a parallel world already going on and you get traveled by it and miss the real self. All the electronics take away your energy. That is why when you when you get up from your seat after 8 hours of work in the office you feel less energetic and low.
Releasing your negativity: You take a full glass of water. And keep on adding water to it. All the water that you add will not go inside the glass but will rather flow outside. Same is the case with many people, no matter how much positive energy you fill in, if already inside you is negative energy, then how could you think filling yourself of positivity. Thus, the first step should be to release all the negative within you.
Your life circumstances are based on the energy you possess. Keep yourself fill with positive energy and to live a life of joy and ecstasy. And to stay away from anything and everything that takes away your energy.F