If you are not getting enough sleep, then you are not the only one. According to research one-third of the total population does not get proper sleep. The amount of sleep required may vary from person to person. On average, an individual sleeps from 6-8 hours a day. If you calculate, if you sleep 8 hours of the day, the majority of your life will be wasted in sleeping and the biggest concern is even after sleeping for 8 hours people are not energetic, they are still on the lazy mode.
There’s a saying in India ” Jo sovat hai, woh khovat hai” ( The one who sleeps, loses ).
Even the first Prime Minister of India slept for only 4 hours a day and the same is true for our current Prime Minister Sh. Narendra Modi as well.
The body understands one thing that it receives energy from the universe while sleeping and once it gets recharged, it comes alive.
However, due to the increased usage of mobile devices before sleeping has definitely impacted the quality of your sleep.
Do you know that the body does not need sleep; it needs rest.
Tools to Reduce Sleeping Hours and Increase Relaxation:
#1 Bring more natural food in your diet: The life force energy in fruits and vegetables is very high. If you consume food which is full of life force energy, then automatically your body will feel relaxed and require fewer hours of sleep.
#2 How Much to Eat: We eat as if today it is the last day to eat. The capacity of our stomach is very less. Do not eat for taste, eat as per the requirement of the body.
#3 Practice Yoga: Yoga is the inner science to awaken yourself. If you start practicing it, then you will see within 21 days your body will become more relaxed, balanced and healthy. Moreover, it will require will fewer hours of sleep.
#4 Eat food freshly prepared: After 2 hours of preparing the food, the food tends to lose the energy it has. Thus, including freshly prepared food in your diet can have immense benefits for you.
So, How much to sleep? Let the body decide. Start with these basic tools and begin experiencing more energy and fewer hours of sleep.