Your brain is divided into two halves i.e. the left brain and the right brain. Each side of the brain controls different types of thinking.
Which side is dominant in you shapes your personality.
The Right Brain:
Some of the abilities associated with the left brain are:
✓ Recognizing Faces
✓ Expressing emotions
✓ Music
✓ Reading emotions
✓ Color
✓ Imagination
✓ Intuition
✓ Creativity
The Left Brain:
The left side of the brain involved logic, language, and analytical thinking. The left-brain is described as being better at:
✓ Language
✓ Logic
✓ Critical thinking
✓ Numbers
✓ Reasoning
The left side of the body is connected with the right brain. Similarly, the right side of the body is connected with the left brain.
Having a balance between both the hemisphere will help you emerge as a successful being in the world.
Moreover, whenever you use your mobile phones or any other electronic gadget, use it from your left hand. Even when you are on a call, prefer putting your phone on left ear.
Adding on, your body and mind are connected. If you try to balance both the hemispheres then your body will also improve. Or if you work on your body, then your mind functioning will also involve. They both are directly connected to each other.
Although, the two sides of your brain are different, and certain areas of your brain do have specialties. The exact areas of some functions may vary a little from person to person.