You must be aware that our body is made up of 5 elements and 72% of human body is just water. Therefore, the water that you intake plays a key role in forming who you are. On average, an individual must drink 6-8 glasses of water per day. However, not just the quantity it is eventually the quality of water which matters. The scientists have revealed that water has memory in it. Since it contains memory one must not take it from anybody’s hand. We always used to hear from our ancestors as well that we must take water only from specific people who care for us.
Water has memory: Can be beneficial for You
Do you know that you can influence the molecular structure of water? If you have a sense of gratitude towards the water that you drink it will have an energizing impact on your system. While, on the other hand, you try cursing it and then drink it, then it will have a very negative effect on your body.
Try doing it, for a few days. Pay attention to what is happening within your system. You will find how the water behaves within you.
Now, since water has memory, How we should store it?
The answer is a copper vessel. The logic behind this is when you keep water in a copper vessel for a few hours, then the water starts acquiring qualities of copper which is very beneficial for the rejuvenation of your system. It will facilitate you in detoxification of your liver.
Moreover, If you are a person who travels a lot, then you must keep a copper vessel with you to drink energised water and stay fit.