There are two keys to lose weight, one is exercise and the other is diet.

We often think that if we have done a 30 mins walk that gives us permission to consume extra calories. But that is not true, the fact is. if you spend an hour burning your calories in the gym and you drink a sweet milkshake. You are actually nullifying your burned calories. The more you exercise the more conscious you should be about your intake of calories.
However, I would agree that you can’t keep track of calories in every bite
you put in your mouth. But there can be restrictions and control. That is what we forget when it comes to winters. Hot coffee, dark chocolate, Gulab jamun, gazar halwa, gazak, pinni laddoo, I mean the list is endless for winters.
Like everyone you also have the same thought in mind, these are seasonal delicacies, so you must have them. Like there is no tomorrow. Jokes apart here are few reasons that don’t let you lose weight and how can you curb those.
Control the temptation
When it comes to winters, I agree everybody likes hot coffee, meetha halwa, soup with sour creme. But be mindful of the sugar content you are in taking. Due to the easy accessibility of these things in winters, it’s very natural to crave for them. But that is the key, control your craving.
Like to satisfy the sweet tooth eat dark chocolate, but be mindful of the portion. Try avoiding sugar in coffee, tea, and milkshakes. Use jaggery/honey instead of white sugar. Even if you are craving for high-calorie sweets control the portion.
Ditch the exercise, because its cold!!
It is the most difficult thing on earth to wake up early in the morning especially in winters because the warm and cozy blanket
doesn’t let you move. Excuses can be many, its cold outside, it foggy so no chances of jogging outside.
Do you know there are so many exercises that you can do at home and still stay fit? It all about breaking that barrier of laziness. Once you come out of it you will find out many ways to burn your calories be it winter, summer, rainy or even freezing. So keep your targets already set, so that you work more an more until you achieve them.
Keep yourself motivated
When you have a partner with your exercise routine, you always feel a sense of competition and motivation. So try the company of highly energetic people. Also keep yourself surrounded by motivating thoughts, like on your office desk, in your bedroom post stickers which have motivating thoughts. This way you can remind yourself of your targets and how far are you from achieving them.
Always remember, nothing is impossible. When you have a target in your mind and you focus your soul into it, the results are inevitable. Keep trying until you reach your target weight. Even if you reach your target, set new and hard targets for yourself. Challenge yourself every day, I am sure no barrier can then stop you from achieving success.