Undoubtedly, Delhi’s air quality is one of the worst and it is getting more worse with each year passing. However, this is unfortunate that we didn’t take the necessary steps at the right time and now we have to bear all the adverse effects. Not only Delhi but the complete NCR complains about throat pain, coughing, unclear vision and difficulty in breathing. If you or your kids still go bare-faced while stepping outside, you are inviting the diseases yourself. These diseases could be respiratory, cardiovascular or skin related. It is advisory to cover your face with the mask whenever stepping out.
Here are few tips that can help you save from the poor air quality
Always wear a mask
Its a very usual thing to see many people using the anti-pollution mask to cover their face, but there are many important things to keep in mind while using a mask.
Always replace your mask once it has been used for 10hrs. A mask will work only 10hrs, post that you are inhaling the pollutants only.
Use air purifier at home
At least till the time you or your kids are inside, try using a water diffuser or air purifier. It will at least purify the toxic contents from the inner rooms. Also, try planting indoor plants in your home which will naturally purify the inner atmosphere.
Avoid morning walk
It is scientifically proven that the air is most contaminated early morning and it gets a little better by the time sun rises. So if you are a morning jogger then it is extremely unhealthy for you to go in the morning. Maybe go in the afternoon or even.
Keeping kids inside
Don’t let the kids go outside for playing during the evening since kids are easily prone to diseases.
Go for some natural remedies
Like eating jaggery can naturally detox harmful chemicals from your body. Adding ginger/basil to your tea, garlic to your food, more citrus fruits in your diet can provide your body strength to fight against the harmful effects caused by air pollutants.
Maintain cleanliness
When going back home inhaling all the pollutants always go for a steam bath. It will help your body get rid of all the harmful chemicals inhaled.
If you keep on following the remedies, you at least be able to save you and your family from the harmful attacks of chemicals and pollutants.