Obesity is considered to be one of the most dangerous diseases today. It has various health hazards and is considered to be one of the major sources of cancer.
It might be shocking for you to know this but yes a longer period of obesity brings the risk of cancer to your life. The reason behind this is the fat cells which increase the risk of cancer, it could be breast, kidney, pancreatic or any type of cancer.
The Fat cells do not sit just inside our body they create a lot of changes inside our body, eventually making them cancerous. Although there is no sure shot process that explains how fat cells becomes cancerous attacking either part of the body. But there is some scientific research explanation behind it which is really logical.
Obesity is nothing but a lot of visceral fat surrounding any vital body organ which can cause a low oxygen environment and hence causing Inflammation. In basic terms, inflammation is the body’s way to react to any injury or disease. Like if you get a cut then the body will start the inflammation process in order to heal up the wound.
But consider the scenario of obesity where there is no wound but still inflammation process. Long term inflammation caused by visceral fat cells causes damage to the cells and hence raising the risk of cancer.
Insulin is the hormone that controls the sugar level in blood. Basically, the body depends on the Insulin for generating the right sugar levels in the blood. Now the inflammation caused by obesity directly impacts the insulin which resists creating the correct sugar levels. Now when insulin doesn’t respond correctly, Eventually, the body generates more insulin. And more insulin is highly dangerous for your body.
Obesity caused inflammation, which caused a rise in the level of insulin. Higher level on insulin adversely affects the production of estrogen levels. Increased levels of Estrogen is not only harmful to women but also for men. For women, it increases the risk of breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer.
The science behind this explanation is logical and makes sense. Even if not every obese person will have cancer but obesity does raise the risk to cancer. So its high time to work on your body and get rid of the obesity disease.