Do you know 75% of the people in this world are miserable, sad, Pathetic, unsuccessful? And the bigger fact is they, do not want all things in their life. But still, attract all this negativity towards them.
Then, The question is WHY?
- Conditioning: You must be aware that, Repetition is the mother of skill. What you do again and again becomes a practice and enters your subconscious.
Say, for example, When you drove your car for the first time, you must slowly performing all the functions and over a period of time, now you can play loud music and drive at a speed of hundred kilometers per hour.
The Same goes with your life. Anything you wish to have mastery over requires a certain level of conditioning of your mind.
- Thought Pattern: Your thoughts are directly related to your actions. Consistent action creates a habit. Your habit forms your character. And then your character will lead you to your ultimate destiny
- Complete Involvement: Many times, you must have noticed you do not remember what you did thirty minutes ago. We all are in a state of sleep doing things unconsciously.
If the same pattern continues, then you might be able to survive and do certain limited things in your life but you would not be able to do something constructive or something new in your life.
Moreover, the biggest problem with people is that they stop learning. You know what, The moment you stop learning, you start contracting instead of expanding.
Your mind is like soil. Sow the seeds of success into it. Probably, you may start by thinking about what you actually want in your life. The problem with the majority of the people is they want something and their mind will give them thousands of thoughts describing why you cannot achieve your goal. Start with thinking positive, and see how your life transforms.