Most of us have the desires to work in an organization which supports our growth. However, not all of us gets recruited into our dream company. Thus, to travel this journey you need to equip yourself with certain skills so that you get hired the very first time you go for an interview.
Here are 7 practical tools you can use to increase your chance of selection.
Seeking Permission: Before entering the cabin of the interviewer always seek his/ her permission and never enter without their permission. After you have entered, do not sit until you are told to do so. If you sit without permission this can lead to a negative impression.
Usage of words: Your words describe who you are. In an interview, it’s always wise to be precise. Speak less but be loud and clear.
Your Curriculum Vitae: Do carry your CV printed on a plain A4 size sheet. This looks really cheap. Rather, what you can do is go and buy a hardbound paper from the market and print your CV on it.
Tell me something about yourself: This is the basic question that every individual is asked about. Don’t go about speaking anything that comes to your mind. In fact, Tell what they want to hear. Show what they are looking for.
Why to Hire You: This is another question that everybody is asked. Talk about your skills. But, these skills must be in alignment with their vision. You have to showcase yourself in a manner that the interviewer sees a solution to their problem within you.
Avoid fumbling: Say for example you are the boss of a company. Would you hire an individual with low confidence and who fumbles a lot? The answer will be no. Then, how could you expect the other one to hire you. Therefore, be confident and speak effectively.
Strengths v/s Weakness: In strengths, you may speak about an ample number of things. However, be careful with your weaknesses. Indirectly, tell your strength in your weaknesses as well.
Remember: You never get a second chance to create the first Impression again. Better be prepared for the very first time.